Bo Pollock:: Bio
Bo Pollock bio (unedited rough draft)
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Bo Pollock (who's that?)
Well I’m an activist and writer and dad and a few other if you have a few minutes today please take the time to read this:
We live in a #patriarchy
Does anybody else feel there should be parking spots up front for post 6 months+ prego ladies? We should put women’s rights and needs on the forefront of our entire civilization to create the ripple effect into the oppressed women of the third world. The revolution begins with us. Let’s help women and girls rise to total freedom and equality.
Here’s some facts:
1 in 5 women in the US will be raped in their lifetime
22% of females raped are under the age of 12
300000 women are impregnated against their will annually
Percentage of rapists who are never incarcerated: 97%
This would not exist in a society with women equally in power.
This is what I propose:
1st conviction minimum: 10 years in prison.
2nd conviction minimum: 25 years in prison.
3rd conviction minimum: life in prison and chemical or physical castration.
This would not end rape but it would sure as hell change the likelihood.
These light sentences are going to be creating vigilante justice. I already heard many people on social media threaten to kill Brock Turner. Eventually the people will turn to their own form of justice is the justice system continue to be inept.
I look at the Syria conflict like this: if America broke out into civil war/race war would Syrians be headed over here to pick a side? No. then why do we have the audacity to determine what side wins over there? We don’t. We need to withdraw from the ME. We have no business being in any of those countries militarily. We may have tried and liberated some populaces from dictators but new ones will rise in their place no matter what we do. Democracy and fundamental Islam will never coexist. It’s not possible. Leave it be and let’s pay china back with oil from over here and send them electric cars instead. We are basically China’s bitch. China’s henchmen. We owe china so we go there to control oil and opium prices and destabilize the region for free oil and free opium. It’s common sense what’s going on. We all know it. Yet we let it go on and on and on. When did bush invade Iraq? Ten years ago? 15 years ago? Will our children be fighting over there for ancient resources?
I say NO.
Time to change course.
Howdy y'all my name is Beau Pollock. I’m here today to speak with you about my mission in life; I have always felt that my path was to lead me to a place where I can help lead the people; our people; not just our brothers and sisters of California; not just our nationality; but humans as a whole. Together as we enter this new era of life on our amazing beautiful planet we call home I offer to you my heart, my body and my mind in defense and progress of our great state and nation. I also offer my ideas, my goals, my friendship and my leadership. I was raised in a small country town in Northern California where I was taught first of all to respect people; yet also be prepared to fight to defend myself, my friends and my family, to be independent and most importantly to be a part of my community. My plan is to get us on a pathway back to the founding ways of our great nation; and not just for the last 200 years or so, but for the thousands of years that Americans lived here before colonization and before we formed this great society we call a “democracy”. We must consistently recognize and reconsider the battles both brave and noble but also evil wars and struggles that have been fought on our soil and the world’s. Now we give thanks and respect to our elders of our country in the founding fathers and MOTHERS and our oppressed brothers and sisters of brown and black skin for the last 200 years. We must admit to each black family that comes from a slave name that they are no longer allowed to carry that weight and that burden and they must rise to help reform our ghettos, urban destitute and create prosperity through unity in all of our diverse cultures. And for every other Tribal Native American Indian Nation that was established here and still lives on we must pay reparations and welcome them to a new chapter of integration as well as with our Hawaaiin brothers and sisters and Inuit Alaskans. Our people need help everywhere yet especially in black, brown and empoverished rural communities and on Indian Reservations alike. Now is the time for progress and reform. My point now my brothers and sisters is that I have set forth a plan of small changes and creation to our government and laws that will help us prosper as one great nation not just as Californians, not just as Americans but as a nation of people on Earth. Whether we like it or not we are part of the New World Order so let us make it OUR OWN New World Order and not part of some secret society of families and fraternities and banks and financial institutions and corporations dictating civilization and economics(or lack there of); but let us create our own command over our destiny and economic prosperity and let us begin by gathering together in each community in California and bringing new waves of unity and solidarity that are built on equality for all as ground zero to create ripple effects of change throughout the world. This mission is a mandate, a new guideline for governance and cultural harmony. We each seek to provide for ourselves, our family, our friends and our communities and in doing so work our asses off. Now we must feel rewarded for that work with greater prosperity not just economically but also spiritually, mentally, and physically with nourishing organic foods, supportive social programs and opportunity like we have never seen before. We also must force the government to provide transparency and accountability for the spending of our precious and hard earned tax dollars. Our plan must be bold and strategic. So let us not be distraught by the perils of history and not disturbed by the violence of currency, nor the chaos of clashing cultural identity, never let individualism or the suffering of the current third world nations drown us in apathy but instead let’s start first here and fix ourselves and then move on to the rest of the world. The possibilities are endless when we each find our balance and inner well being and begin to spread that good energy to each of our colleagues and community members like a wildfire in order to let it be a force that spreads through our great state. I welcome you to join us on this journey when we “Millennials” (America’s largest voting block) step into not just power but in service to our elders and our parents. We are thankful to those who have provided this opportunity for us to grow, and change, and create and prosper and not I individually but together. No more 1%. The world needs to eat not admire the billlions of a few. The 3 richest Americans can buy every homeless or poor working class person a house and still have nearly a trillion left over. Bezos could buy every american a house himself and still have TWENTY BILLION FOR HIMSELF. MEANWHILE AMERICANS ARE LITERALLY STARVING…its time for changes. We can end homelessness but first we must CHOOSE TO. Could house every homeless person in LA for less than 1% of one year annual city budget. Politicians are useless. Greed and lobbyists and corporate sponsored politicians from both parties tow the line of the 1% as America’s middle class steadily disappears and we slide into dystopia of only wealthy elites and a debt ridden over worked and under paid rent ridden rest of society. Dont blame it on republicans. Career democrats are just as guilty if not more. Greed is the cause. Shipping container houses cost less than $1000/each. It’s not about housing homeless. It’s about the greed stopping it from happening. LA annual budget is $10 billion. 50k homeless x $1000 = $50 million. 1% of budget = $100 million. Have 50 million left over for infrastructure of facilities, rehabilitation programs and vocational training etc to give them a purpose and opportunity. .
Please read the following letter created by myself and my team as the rough draft of my plan and platform for leadership in Los Angeles California.
One love.
United we stand, divided we fall.
-Beau Pollock
The following document is to announce Mr. Pollock’s shift towards public service. We will be announcing the official plan in late 2021 or 2022 for the 2022 or #2026 elections in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A
This is also serving as a rough draft template for California Governorship platform for the 2030 or 2034 Elections.
First and foremost we would like to propose a return to true fairness in the election process by returning to the POPULAR Vote. The electoral process, delegate process, caucus process and electoral college have created a bias system and our democracy is therefore flawed. The two party system has cast a repressive agenda on maintaining the status quo. It’s our duty to undo the current system and reform and refine our democracy into the most efficient and fair model the world has ever known. This is our goal upon entry into public service. To make EVERY SINGLE VOTE TRULY COUNT.
Beau Pollock was born to Lee Davis Pollock and Jo Anne Kaufman-Pollock on May 12th 1980 in Oxnard, California. His brother Lee Allen Pollock and sister Amber Sierra Pollock were there to welcome his arrival while brother Sean Thomas Pollock and sister Megan Lynne Pollock soon came to visit from the area of Carbon County Pennsylvania where the many generations of Pollock family members reside. Beau was the first Pollock born outside of Pennsylvania for generations dating back to pre-Civil War and pre-Revolution. His mother named him Beau but his father wanted to name him Charles Beau Pollock after his great uncle who played for the Green Bay Packers and lived his days on Lake Harmony, Pennsylvania where the fifth generation Pollock family cottage still stands today.
Beau was welcomed into the world but did not cry for minutes after his birth, instead he opened his eyes and smiled at his mother. The doctor eventually had to dangle him by his feet to get him to cry. Meanwhile in nearby Oregon, Mt. St. Helens began to smoke in loom of its eruption a few days later. Symbolically it was straight to the mountains for Beau who was on skis at age 4 and loved nothing more than his family trips to Sierra Summit in the southern Sierra Nevada’s. His mom set the bar high and fibbed to the Santa Maria Soccer Board about his age and got him on the team a full year and half early. This move by his mother at such a critical young age set the course for Beau to progress faster and make bold decisions in his early life that would constantly push him to be a step ahead of the crowd but always part of the team. He led his competitive soccer team, the Roseville Roughnecks, as a scoring center forward and “left wing” to the NorCal State Championships at 13. He decided to graduate high school two years early at sixteen and acquired his G.E.D. while signing up for business courses at Sierra College. His strong team player mentality combined with motivation to lead helped him navigate a course through his teens that created focus on his study of history, business, journalism, and sociology as well as the entire art curriculums and general classes required courses while he majored in photography.
At seventeen though not even legally old enough to own his business he conceptualized, strategize and founded his first company, he then partnered with his brother Lee and God-brother Adam to help open his own snowboard/skateboard shop in his hometown of Nevada City, California. The local newspaper was so impressed they came out to interview him for the front page. He loyally managed the shop most times five to seven days a week for three years giving the local skaters a place to unite and to prosper. He volunteered hundreds of hours with fellow peers to raise money and petition the city and county for a skateboard park to call their own. Years later that dream was realized. The skate shop “GoodTimes Board Store” is still in business 17 years later. At twenty he had matured beyond managing the business and having a small town lifestyle and decided to join his long time girlfriend of four years in San Francisco. He quickly found an internship at a film and video production company as planned and within a year had become a videographer on projects for networks such as CNN and ESPN covering the X-Games and news stories. He continued to study and pursue photography and journalism and was published as a photojournalist in several publications by the age of 20. Newly found bachelorhood at age twenty-one led him back to the Sierra Nevada’s where he lived in Reno with his brother and helped with his father’s successful and independently owned insurance brokerage while he found work for a film company in the area. His grandmother was getting older and having trouble driving and running errands so Beau decided to move to Roseville to help her for the next few years. He shared many political and historical discussions with his beloved grandmother during these years and developed a deep appreciation for the elderly, the wisdom they endow and a strong commitment to take care of them in their later years rather than outsourcing care facilities to do so. He does not believe in not support the nursing home/retirement home mentality and industry. During this time his father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and Beau, older brother Lee and their stepmother stayed the course and nursed Lee Senior privately through his passing. The Pollock family and their adjoining family and neighbors have always supported Beau and Lee through maturity as they had also lost their sister Amber to a tragic accident while both were in their teens. The small town community and upbringing during those formative years helped build a trust and bond within their family and peers and this united strength has been the foundation of what Beau calls his “brothers and sisters” (his peers). These important people in Beau’s life have reciprocated support throughout Beau’s career and life and have inspired him to take his leadership and strong community organizational skills to the city, county, state governmental level.
Beau firmly believes in community based companies and small business and since founding the snowboard shop that is still in business nearly 20 years later has since owned a non-profit art gallery, a successful hollywood production company and an on going studio-gallery in Pollock Studios:
Mr. Pollock has worked part time for numerous notable companies including Live-Nation, Golden Voice, ESPN, The W Hotels, MTV, VH1 & others. Mr. Pollock even helped legally cultivate medical cannabis for his father under California State Proposition 215 laws while his father bravely battled cancer. Lee Pollock Sr. used the doctor prescribed medicine to ease his nausea and help garner an appetite throughout his chemotherapy and last year of life as comfort. Mr. Pollock proposes full legalization of Marijuana, Peyote, Mushrooms, MDA and other medically and spiritually used NATURAL substances. Knowing alcohol is the most deadly and debilitating drug and is still legal, Mr. Pollock also proposes full “decriminalization” for all other illicit substances and a re-categorization of all substances based on their medicinal value through each native and indigenous cultural classification and history, relative to each plant. Shamans, tribal leaders and medicine workers will unite under the new guidelines to create the proper category for each substance and each will be regulated as any other natural medicine both for domestic use and export internationally. This new export industry will provide tens of billions of dollars of GDP to the California economy within the first decade as well as possibly hundreds of thousands of jobs.
His eighteen year career in photography has been his bread and butter. He has earned multiple “Best of Show” awards in notable galleries and showings throughout California in cities such as Sacramento, Chico, Santa Cruz, Nevada City, Roseville l, San Francisco and of course Los Angeles. His work has been internationally published since 1999 and is in numerous print publications and web sites and galleries throughout the world. He has published photographs of everything from fine art landscapes to skateboarding to photos of live music events and his most recent focus: fashion and portraiture. His strong work ethics and independent thinking combined with constant community involvement and leadership has garnered him friends he calls “family” and colleagues throughout California and the world.
Mr. Pollock has founded two Non-profit foundations. The first is “Salt and Pepper Spray NPO” that provides females and LGBT people throughout the world a free can of pepper spray for self defense. He is working to secure funding to send the self defense spray cans to millions of people in need throughout the world.
The other Non-Profit that Mr. Pollock founded is his pride and joy and en homage to his mother one his other female heroes who dedicated her life and career to social services specializing in child protect services and domestic violence. Its called “Her Paws Foundation”. Her Paws Foundation (“HPF”) is a women’s shelter program and animal rescue. Providing a healthy safe environment for women to take a “paws” from life to rebuild. Gaining life skills and empowering each other by teaching and sharing responsibility through the care of the rescue dogs, self defense training, gardening, cooking, and other classes developing a true sense of self worth and renewed sense of purpose.
Beau Pollock has a strong and concise platform for his initial term as governor in the 2026 or 2030 election and will be releasing his localized platform for LA City Council, LA County public office, or LA county district office or position similar to closer to the beginning of his campaign. His first action as Governor will be to secure the entire California border so no more people can illegally enter the state and to grant amnesty to all current immigrants who willingly accept and vow to abide by American Law. His second yet simultaneous move is to fix the current stagnant economic state by producing jobs in all sectors with strong focus on clean energy and sustainability. He envisions California as an energy independent state by the time his nieces and nephews are his age. One of his controversial plans is to re-enact the federal Homestead Act and open parts of the millions of acres of government land to new privately owned companies for propagation of agriculture and introduction of new industries. Portions of the government land divided and freed up under the Homestead Act will be divided and distributed also to families for the building of homes and communities alike. His third executive decision will be to ban all fracking and similarly damaging types of drilling, mining, and resource depleting industry within the California borders.
Mr. Pollock believed in the Democratic party so strongly that he drove to Texas on his own hard earned dime to protest George W. Bush and the Republican agenda in solidarity with Cindy Sheehan, the mother of fallen Operation Iraqi freedom soldier Casey Sheehan. During this time Mr. Pollock was taking a break from his year long position at Trader Joe’s as a marketing consultant to expand horizons and his personal philosophy. Mr. Pollock has since evolved his views of the Bush presidency and feels some of the president’s directions of force were acutely necessary and some were definitely questionable use of force and unnecessary military actions.
Mr. Pollock now considers himself an independent due to the corruption by the DNC in 2016 and the obvious hypocrisy from both parties at all levels. Mr. Pollock wants to bring back honesty to public office no matter how much scrutiny he must endure.
Mr. Pollock does not support the international outsourcing of production and jobs to China and India and is introducing new ways for California to prosper independently of the current failing federal economic policies.
Mr. Pollock will provide a complete state income tax cut for all families making less than 100 thousand dollars per year (reducing their bracket to 0%) and will be introducing new social programs that help families begin to end their dependence on welfare and instead contribute to community based non-profits that provide support. Income taxes for families making over one million per year will have a new selective tax increase that allows each taxpayer to select where and how much of their tax will be distributed. The new California tax program will be called the “California United Tax Selection System” or “CUTSS” and will allow taxpayers to not only benefit directly from their tax dollars but will allow transparency and visible and tangible results of their tax contributions to be seen and understood where that money is going and why our taxes are so important and necessary to pay. Mr. Pollock believes the CUTSS program will help drown the apathy towards our government, politics and taxes in general and plans to introduce proposals for a similar federal plan.
This new tax program will be called the “California United Tax Selection System” and is the Gold Flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign. Each flag will have its own campaign and marketing strategy at the time of the official launch of this campaign for support to be garnered from any and all different areas and political parties above and beyond personal ideology.
White Flag:
The White Flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign will be his re-introduction of the homestead act throughout all 50 states of America beginning with California. Have you ever taken a road trip and driven through hours and hours long of sprawling land that is not being used for anything? Mr. Pollock knows that land has much more potential than in its current state and knows that the government’s current use of leasing the land for agricultural purposes and harvesting of resources is not giving back to the original idea of public land and not helping the average American. Mr. Pollock is working on the plan of action for this crucial and fundamental shift in government owned land. This shift will create enough homes and land use for all homeless people to have a small, safe place to live as well as create thousands of new sustainable farms in which families can live, prosper, pro-create and develop communities. This new act will begin in California with plans to introduce a federal reintroduction during his tenure. The homestead act was in effect in Alaska up until 1986 and will be garnered as a championed tool for bringing prosperity and sustainable living back to millions of Americans. Each homesteader will
receive 160 acres of land.
Silver Flag: The Silver Flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign is the “Protect All Schools” Initiative. Mr. Pollock’s aims to lower the amount of school shootings in California to ZERO. To start this crucial and impactful change Mr. Pollock suggests this: Create a mandatory set of security standards for all public schools including but not limited to: A fenced and patrolled permiter with a locking or electronic gate for entrance/exit. An armed security guard or police officer that patrols the grounds. A metal detector for all person entering the hounds with an armed guard or officer to operate the metal detector. Monthly meetings with local law enforcement, federal and state law enforcement and security companies regarding all school safety and security issues. Protect All Schools is a Non-Governmental Organization to provide funding for securing all public schools and to lobby congress to protect our children Bronze Flag:
The bronze flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign is the founding of the Consensus Bureau.
Mr. Pollock will be introducing a government funded new entity within the state government called the Consensus Bureau that will be working with other states to introduce it nationally.
How to help save America and the democratic system: CONSENSUS.
Consensus: the judgement arrrived by most of those concerned; group solidarity in sentiment and belief. (webster’s dictionary)
To save america we must form a non-regimented autonamous entity within the governmental structure. This entity must consist of fifty randonmly selected citizens from each state that debate current issues regarding: state & national law and order, economic posterity, environmental laws, all social programs and initiatives. Every 90 days these new fifty people submit a report to the media and the state senate and national congress. 90 percent of the fifty people must have “consensus” in order for the issue to be agreed upon at the state level. This process will be done the first 45 days. 3 members of each state’s group will be selected to meet with the other 150 state representatives (3 from each state) to debate on the national issues. The following 45 days will be debate and consensus of the 150 people selected from all the combined states. This group must reach 90 percent “consensus” (approval) in order for the issues to move forward. The order submitted with “consensus” must be met by 51% of congress and house approval before it can be submitted to the president. All issues not resolved at the end of each 90 days will “roll-over” to the next group and be the first issue on the list. The Consensus bureau would be staffed by college graduates (only AS or AA necessary) seeking work in government or social or environmental careers, most likely. These contributors would recieve a 6-month paid internship at the Consensus Bureau and will gather the necessary information and systems for the bureau to function. Staff must consist of 25 percent registered democrats and 25 percent registered republicans, and the other 50 percent will have anonamous political stance. After 6 month internship, 10 percent must be hired by all government agencies annually (FBI, CIA, DEA etc. must hire 10 percent of qualified applicants). All Consensus members randomly selected must have a highschool diploma or equivelant and will be kept anonamous. No consensus member may be employed by the government in a position above city council. All participants are formally excused from work and paid normal salary during participation. Any bribary or persuasion by outside members or within Consensus groups will be considered on the same criminal level of sedition and conspiracy.
This new form of informed voting by concerned citizens is a necessary action during the new wave of capitalist style democracy. This will keep our leaders in check and create new ideas and solutions to many social issues. This is evolution of a great governmental sytem that was created to be equal to all citizens and a government for the people by the people.
Black Flag:
The black flag of Mr. Pollock’s platform is his controversial statewide repeal of all parking tickets. Mr. Pollock has developed a new system that will replace the parking fine punishment and has promised will generate an equal or greater amount of revenue that is currently being collected at the meters. Click here for rough draft:
Green Flag:
The green flag of Mr. Pollock’s platform is to create bicycle highways throughout all the major metropolitan areas of California in conjunction with the implementation of high speed rail transit. The blueprints for these transitions are being drawn for Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento as you read this. Mr. Pollock will also only sign new energy laws and propositions that have solar and wind and alternative sources as the main proponents and oil and coal companies will be taxed higher in order to fund the research and implementation of the green energy platform. Mr. Pollock will also be creating initiatives to ban offshore drilling in any coastal waters off of California using Santa Barbara and the recent oil spill as proof of the unnecessary destruction of our sacred beaches and ocean life.
Mr. Pollock will be implementing wildlife bridges that give migrant and roaming wildlife safe passage over interstate highways and roadways in all areas necessary throughout the state. Any commercial land or residential land in the way of these natural animal pathways will have to cede some of their land in order to provide for the sacred animals.
A new mandatory Hemp Crop production mandate will also be established for each county. A minimum amount of Hemp will be required to be grown for all counties that have usable land.
Imagine if all the dams in California were reformed to have fish ladders and we repopulated the salmon and steelhead populations? That’s something he will be conspiring to complete in the next few decades as a leader and public servant and steward to California.
Blue Flag:
The blue flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign is a new public office dedicated to the preservation of the pacific ocean and its beaches and islands within American waters and territory (starting with California). There will also be a re-naturalizing program for a percentage of southern California beaches to re-introduce endangered native plants and animals and create a more natural environment that is dog friendly in certain places as well. Mr. Pollock will also be working with Ocean Clean up and boosting funding for all approved NPOs that focus on ocean preservation and conservation:
Red Flag:
The red flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign will be his endorsement by P.E.T.A and his initiative being written to introduce new mandatory animal rights laws and procedures throughout the state.
At the same Time Mr. Pollock will have a state wide study done on all natural resources including all animals that are being hunted sustainably and will work with respected hunters’s, sports men, fishermen, and Native American Indian tribes to ease the burden of the bureaucratic nightmare that is California Fish and game policies. Mr. Pollock will also repeal any law that prohibits locals from collecting roadkill to be used and harvested for their own personal use. Hundreds of thousands of animals are killed by roadkill per year and are laid to waste for merely no use of the organic and nourishing meat and usable hides, bones, etc. this repeal will allow this organic and wild meat to be harvested at the users own risk and a photo evidence of the roadside area it was taken from in case of any investigation by Fish and Game or any other authorities occurs.
Purple Flag:
The purple flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign will be a mandatory tax or fine on all companies private and public that have profited from any war since Vietnam by supplying any goods or service to the federal or state or county or city government that has anything to do with war into a veterans fund developed to create new programs such as “knights of Heroes” A nonprofit foundation that provides camps groups and resources to children of fallen veterans.
Pink Flag:
The Pink Flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign is to remove the state tax of: diapers, tampons, pads, condoms, birth control, as women’s health supplies should NOT be taxed. These are NECESSITIES and should be re-categorized and also covered on health insurance. How come Viagra is tax exempt and covered by health insurance? #patriarchy and the patriarchal system in place. Mr. Pollock will also be regulating charities who use the Pink Ribbon for breast cancer awareness month to market their products and will be sending out task forces to ensure “pink washing” it not creating fake charities and that money raised is going to actual non-profits.
Orange Flag:
The orange flag of Mr. Pollock’s Campaign will be a full review, reform and over haul of the states mental health systems and programs. Our greatest president Lincoln struggled with addiction, depression, mania and bi-polar. Was committed twice to an institution for mental health/emotional health issues. Yet he prevailed and became the world’s most iconic and brave leader to live to ever live. Mr. Pollock himself has battled and conquered depression from the loss of his sister at age 15 and father at age 21. He’s been treated for emotional health and has taken natural and pharmaceutical medicines that have helped him enormously. He adamantly promotes the supplement Holy Basil as a natural remedy for anxiety, stress, depression, multiple other symptoms and over all well being. In his first term as governor he will create a board of 100 of the states finest health workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, Non-Profit workers, drug and alcohol treatment professionals and other folks with strong, progressive ideas towards helping this issue and will create a new chapter of leaders to install these much needed changes. Clinics will be 100% state funded and open to the public within all developed areas. The funding will be generated by a new 25% tax on all pharmaceutical companies that profit more than 100 million per year from the mental health industry business inside of California.
Grey Flag Orange stripe:
The Grey and Orange Flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign will be an executive order mandating that no prescription drug can cost over a certain amount per capita and per usage. This pertains to the recent drug price hikes by companies like Mylan the maker of the Epipen a life saving device for allergic reaction. Mylan raised the price from $99 to $600 over the span of one year and has endangered people’s lives and will be charged for manslaughter if it is proven that people who could no longer afford the medicine died from not being able to receive their product.
Yellow Flag:
The yellow flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign will be a reparations bill to restore property to the families of all Japanese people and offspring who were removed from their homes and interned during World War II in our Japanese internment camps. This will coincide with a museum and new programs taught in school about the racist and oppressive cultural techniques used by our nation in times of war.
Mr. Pollock has a deep appreciation for Native American Indian culture and the preservation of our American Indian ancestry. When Mr. Pollock was 15 years old he was invited to the Yosemite Valley National Indian Pow Wow and was one of a handful of Non-Indian Members invited into the sacred dance tent. He slept in wooden lean to lodges (similar to tipi) and was given the blessing by multiple chiefs to stand up for Indian rights and to take place in Indian ceremonies as they called for action. He slept in traditional bark covered Tipi structures and made and cooked on fires with one of his best friends from childhood it was nearly 75% Native American. His friend is from two different tribes and was taught about respecting nature and sacred chain of life that our human footprints leaves on Mother Earth and passed this wisdom and knowledge to Beau. Both spent many Summer days fishing, hunting and exploring all different mountain ranges and wild areas of California as a youth with his “Turquoise Flag” Mr. Pollock wants to build a bridge between the Native American reservations and The youth of today in order to create unity and promote the benefits of the integrity and honor of the natural lifestyle of Native American Indians. The Turquoise Flag of Mr. Pollock’s campaign will be a government funded program that unites children of Indian tribes and of public schools and gives them a “big brother & big sisters” type support system but is strictly focused on summer camps and nature programs that involve presenting and preserving the history of local tribes and helping create awareness of current struggles and true Indian issues. The program will be staffed by volunteers and will garner a major philanthropic situation that not only helps tribes but allows them to help themselves.
Misc. proposals to be enacted and structured:
The “Big Farm” tax. This will help all smaller farms profiting less than $1 million per year who will no longer have to pay for their water usage as long as they are within an average sustainable use per acre.
All new homestead farms that receive 160 acres will be required to donate 16% of either their profit or their goods etc to the local county to be distributed to those in need.
Any large hotel Corporation operating in a district of any city within California that has a homeless population problem will pay a higher tax within that district that goes to provide shelter and permanent residences.
Mandatory maximum sentences will be issued statewide for all and any drug offense and full decriminalization will be enacted once possible. Thus instead of jail or prison people caught using and distributing drugs will include rehabilitation and community service programs that include community outreach for at risk youth and counseling services and donating of time and services to those in need such as elderly, disabled, etc. The for profit prison industry has raped the American public for too long. Black and brown people are disproportionately incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses and they must be released. This issue is about addiction, mental health and medicine. This is not about crime. Alcohol is not a crime. Caffeine is not a crime. Weed is not a crime. The time is now to end the hypocrisy of our criminal justice system. In a few years I will be entering public office with plans of action for full decriminalization. Like this page for now for updates.
New responsible gun laws will be enacted and new studies will be done to compare areas that have more concealed carry permit licenses compared to areas with zero carry laws. Mr. Pollock believes in an educated, trained and armed public in defense from both domestic and foreign enemies.
Mandatory minimum security measures will be passed for all public schools that include a security perimeter and metal detectors.
New drug rehabilitation programs will be founded by raising taxes on pharmaceutical companies that do business in the state of California. Any drug company and any company involved in the distribution of addictive substances legal and decriminalized such as codeine, Valium, Xanax and all opiate and synthetic opiate drugs will be taxed at a higher rate in order to create the funding for rehabilitation and social well being programs.
A plan of action for a constitutional amendment will be made that guarantees clean water and air for all citizens of the United States and that water will always be free to those with low income and or cost money at fair use prices based on income. A maximum per liter price will be set statewide for all bottled water companies and any company charging over that price will be fined. An amendment stating free clean air and water will be provided for all citizens of America will be drafted and proposed for the constitution under guidelines set during Mr. Pollock’s administration. This amendment will keep monopolies such as internationally destructive Nestle Corporation from taking over and privatizing our water and natural resources and ensure our citizens health for all of time. Nestle will be banned from buying any more water sources within California.
All banks will have a mandatory minimum amount of loans necessary to be issued to low income families and will have to create new programs that provide money for small businesses and business opportunities for all families currently making less than $100,000 per year gross income.
New funding for school science and arts programs will be created by a new tax on families with a gross income of $1 million per year or more. The tax will be part of the new tax program called the selective tax system called CUTSS and the family will get to choose which school and which programs their tax money goes directly to in order for them to see the progress and success of their hard earned tax dollars.
As governor of the great state of California Mr. Pollock will be initiating a yoga program for all jr. high and high-school P.E. programs.
Sharia law will be BANNED from practice in California. Any Islamist practicing or trying to practice or promoting the practice of Sharia will be immediately deported and banned from the state.
Red, white, blue Flag:
The red, white and blue Flag will be a call to black people of California and the nation and people of African descent to unite and create a new cultural shift toward prosperity and equality. Mr. Pollock proposes creating a 200-300 person collective board of Black leaders, teachers, athletes, celebrities, social workers, social activists, etc in order to find new solutions to the problems involving racial inequality, police brutality, justice system inequality, cultural appropriation, and over all racial and cultural issues regarding black Americans and African Americans.
Mr. Pollock hopes this collective will form a powerful alliance to create a legacy of impactful change.
Mr. Pollock plans to partake in boot camp and basic military training prior to the first year of his term. Mr. Pollock promises in helping our federal leadership avoid unnecessary war though in the case of justified war pledges to serve abroad or God forbid within country on the ground with the U.S. Army and has signed a pledge for the U.S. Navy Reserves as of 2015.
Mr. Pollock plans to only partake in public office for the full four year term in order to introduce his policies and create the change that is necessary for the state to right itself from the last sixty years of failed progressive leadership. He plans to return to his photography/media career and devote his life to his family after his term ends. His campaign headquarters are located in Los Angeles California and he can be reached at
His campaign website will be up closer to the year of election.
Other Tidbits:
Mr. Pollock is a believer in God and practices under the Scottish Lutheran section of Christ though does not feel the need to call himself a christian nor support the hypocritical stance of most churches and their followers. He also does not believe in the bible and is only concerned with the actual words Jesus spoke and not of any of his disciples or followers. He attends service nearly every Sunday at St. Mark Catholic Church in venice and loves the choir there. The conductor is an opera singer. The main priest is a very open hearted progressive human. He main goes to connect with creation, the community and our spiritual ancestors and predecessors. He also supports the Jewish Faith and his mother’s people, including the defense of the country and citizens of Israel by any and all means necessary. Under Mr. Pollock’s governorship all religions are welcome in California as long as they swear to peace and co-existence of any others within California. This stance means any supporter of Islam calling for the death of the Jewish people or destruction of Israel or any infidel etc. will be categorized as a terrorist and arrested under American Common Law to be either deported or expatriated. Mr. Pollock plans to have a strict no tolerance policy for any support of radical Islam and will support the Federal Policies under the USA Patriot Act and it’s current revisions.
Mr. Pollock is currently 36 years old, 4 years older than youngest California Governor J. Neely Johnson.
Mr. Pollock was married to Fashion Designer/Consultant Heather Roma-Pollock, their first child, Son, Hendrix David Pollock was born May 7th, 2015. Though legally divorced they still co-parent as a unit and enjoy holidays together as well as work as colleagues in LA. ———————————————— Mr. Pollock is currently awaiting the arrival of his Queen. A true leader and partner willing to dedicate their life to family and the greater family that is the people of California and America. He envisions that she has the grace of First Lady Michelle Obama, the originality of Jacklyn Kennedy, the strength of Queen Victoria, The heart of Princess Diana and the nobility of Mother Theresa. ❤️ Mr. Pollock attended college at Sierra College, Butte College, Carrillo College and majored in Photography, Photo/Journalism with a focus on writing at Chico State University. He did not finish his Bachelors and instead pursued his career early on. He also was accepted at West LA university Laws School though when became engaged and soon married as a father chose to dedicate his time to his family. He is interested in pursuing his law degree further. - Mr Pollock owns a home he built mostly himself in the Malibu Canyon Area and works mostly in L.A and Northern - He was the World Tour Director and Creative Director for Surf Relik based in Venice, California check out upcoming tour dates at: from 2017 to 2018 -
Mr. Pollock is the owner and founder of Pollock Studios a successful open format studio-gallery, artist management & event and multimedia production company based in Hollywood. Together with former Partnet Heather he help found and create The Westside Collective .
His mother is a California State Judge and lawyer and has served under the current governor and previous.
His Nieces Olivia is a Doctor and Pharmacist and Alana is a College Student and Runner up to Miss Teen Pennsylvania. His Nephews are both bright boys and stand up family members.
He has lived and worked in California, Nevada and Hawaii but was born and raised in California.
He has traveled to 10 countries and atleast thirty four American States.
He is related to the 11th President James K. Polk and a direct descendant of Robert the Bruce King of Scotland.
His direct family ancestors have fought in both World Wars; the Korean War, Civil War and American Revolution. (to his knowledge).
He physically fought bullies growing up and always routes for the underdog.
- Check out his family lineage here: - Mr. Pollock owns a private security company that is focused on the Hollywood area and is contracted at multiple bars and has the exclusive contract and runs security for Emerald Exchange Events. He’s also a partner and security director for Team AIC (Allied Security Consulting) - Mr. Pollock has trained in multiple fighting techniques and weapons. Mr. Pollock works in private security as a side job and has a state security guard license. Mr. Pollock has intervened and fought off an armed robbery, an attempted murder and dozens of assaults with deadly weapons and without and fights both during his years as a bouncer at rough bars in Hollywood and just as a citizen out at bars and in public. Mr. Pollock strong believes in protecting those who cannot protect themselves and has defended people in fights when they were rat packed or it was 3 on 1 etc. -
Mr. Pollock is an avid beach volleyball player (AAA) at his peak, and also enjoys skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and practicing kung-fu, boxing and yoga. He also loves off roading in his 4x4 truck, fishing, hunting and bmxing.
Mr. Pollock published his first book at the age of 27 and 100 percent of the proceeds from its sale are donated to the Susan G. Komen for the cure foundation for the prevention, treatment and research of breast cancer. He has since published two other coffee table books called “The Death of Heroine Chic” and “Save the Gingers” all of which are for sale on
Mr. Pollock has shown his 2010 photography series titled “MANIFESTO” at “IMMORTAL” the prominent post-modern gallery in Downtown Los Angeles and in Venice California.
Mr. Pollock is working with a respected and enigmatic hollywood based actor Benjamin Ciaramello on producing and directing multiple films including the screenplays penned under his name: Live & Die in L.A. & AK-47. Many other projects are in pre-production with other colleagues and though he gives much art/media away for free online he also has much work he saves for future release. — Beau Pollock and his trusted Colleague and close friend TRACY HUTSON (host of ABCs Extreme Makeover Home Edition) ( have worked together on many TV shows and home remodels as TRACY calls Beau Her “Right Hand Man” on set and in her beautiful one of a kind interior designs all over California. Beau can be seen on her DIY shows as well as a facebook tv show in post-production (stay tuned) — Beau built his first of many tiny houses with his bare hands and it was scene by HGTV and casted for the tv show tiny house hunters. The episode can be viewed here:
His website is Here’s a recent magazine feature interview by Monika Freeman:
He now knows and believes and lives by the credo “thy pen is mightier than thy sword” though he believes in strong & secure borders and war under U.N. Sanctions. He also supports Homeland Security and its protective blanket of informed citizens.
Mr. Pollock knows he has flaws, character faults, and personality traits that are not seen as the perfect person for a political career. He also has a somewhat checkered past with brushes with the law and admits to being a rebel during his youth and experimenting with drugs and alcohol. He also believes in redemption, acceptance, forgiveness and progress and has done right by his country, family, friends and community. He does not promise to be perfect nor to never say the wrong statement or make the wrong decision but he does promise to admit his mistakes. He promises to learn from them and any others past and to use it to further his life and the people’s lives he comes in contact with and can help along the way. He does not ask for anything besides a chance to help and a chance to give the things to the world he brings with this campaign. Mr. Pollock does not believe in the status quo. He believes we can make our own status and our own destiny.
Disclaimer: Mr.Pollock has been in the entertainment industry for many years and in that genre of media said and done many things pertaining to that career such as photographed nudity and endorsed statements such as “fuck bitches get money” in the context of celebration of rap music and things of the sort. Mr. Pollock is in no way derogatory or discriminatory and notes that statements of the like are normal in popular culture and should be looked at through the lens of that phase of his career. Just as people like Governor Arnold Swarznegger and Donald Trumo have said and done things in their entertainment career that do not pertain to their professional leadership roles. Once his campaign is formally launched his verbiage and conduct will be strictly directed at setting his example as a leader and role model in the public eye.
Mr. Pollock will be announcing his run for city of Los Angeles office in late 2020.
Mr. Pollock will begin his political career by campaigning for a city or county level office in the 2022 Los Angeles elections.
Campaign info
Mr. Pollock has formally endorsed Bernie Sanders for the democratic presidential nominee for 2016 and 2020 or Tulsi Gabbard or Ron Paul
This statement is the official announcement of Beau Pollock for the governorship of California in the United States of America 2026 and LA City Council 2022.
list of endorsements coming.
Beau Pollock for LA City Council 2022 district 11. I will end all homeless in district 11 in my 4 year term Or I will gladly resign from office and not seek re-election. Currently under measure HHH the city council has been given authority to direct 1.2 BILLION DOLLARS towards ending homelessness. Not only have they not housed any homeless people. The city has seen a rise in homelessness in consecutive years by the tens of thousands. Where is the money going? Well it’s being funneled into projects that hire executive boards and pay them six figure salaries such I have a plan that can end homelessness in LA in one year and for less that 1% of the city if Los Angeles annual budget. I’m Beau Pollock and I’m running for Los Angeles City council. How can you house every homeless person in LA for less than 1% of one year annual city budget you ask? Standard Steel Shipping containers converted to stacked studio homes with communal/shared bathrooms and showers. How can one live in such a small space? Simply and comfortably. I am a tiny owner and I find them cozy and nice to live in. I personally have built, converted and lived in 7 different tiny homes including a shipping container, travel trailers, converted storage shed, tiny house cabin and a Yurt. All of which were under 300/Sqft. Used Shipping container houses cost less than $1000/each when bought in bulk many can be attained for as low as $100/each. They are water and air tight, safe, strong, secure, last for hundreds of years and are stackable, adaptable, and affordable. Windows and sliding doors, vents, heaters, air conditioners, plumbing, skylights, electrical and other logistical infrastructure can all be installed easily, sustainably and cost effectively. LA annual budget is $10 billion. 50k homeless in LA (roughly) x $1000 = $50 million 50 million for homes plus another 50 million for communal bathroom & showers as well as plumbing, electrical and other infrastructure is 1% of the city budget for one year 1% of budget = $100 million 50 million left over for bathroom/shower facilities, infrastructure facilities, rehabilitation programs and vocational training should be spent with minute detail to cost effectiveness and logistical rationalities. Having a tiny home is the first step to give homeless people a new purpose an new opportunity and a safe place to be healthy and happy and prosper. There must be strict policies for maintaining mental health and safety of the newly housed communities as well as strong security presence and even possibly drug testing and mandates in order to acquire the lease for a city tiny house. The communities will have internal security and community based laws to keep the communities safe and secure. Outside security and police will have a minimum presence and only be on the premises if and when needed. (Number of homeless may vary but you get the point) This plan is only a starting point to open the dialogue for housing the homeless within months instead of years and DECADES and creating affordable and sustainable housing in LA, Southern California and the United States alike. This plan is meant to be edited, adapted and refined to work with a budget and agenda agreed upon by city council as well as communities that will be part of the tiny house developments. I am running for city council of Los Angeles for district 11 to gain a seat at the table to change the bureaucratic stagnant process of our amazing city and state. I am not a lawyer. I am not a politician. I am not a typical business person or in the box type person. I am a self employed entrepreneur with a diverse experience of small business in many industries. I am not politically correct. I consider myself an independent and I’m not affiliated with any political party though from 1998 to 2016 I was a registered democrat and voted primarily democratic, green and independent. I strong oppose the president, the Republican Party and anyone supporting or contributing to the current gop platform in any way. I will be developing a website for my city council platform releasing it sometime in 2020 or 2021 My personal bio with rough city council and public office platform outline can be found here: The following is an excerpt from There are estimated to be over 55,000 homeless in Los Angeles County, and at least 130,000 statewide, living on sidewalks, parks and parking lots, vacant lots and on the beach. There is no sanitation and no trash collection. The populations of disease carrying animals and insects that thrive in these conditions are exploding: rats, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks, mites, lice. The problem of the homeless could be completely solved in a few months if there were the political and judicial will to get it done. The national guard could be deployed, working with city and county law enforcement. The homeless could be sorted into groups; criminals, substance abusers, mentally ill, undocumented aliens, and all the rest. For each of these groups, separate facilities could be built on vacant or underutilized government land in or near urban centers but away from downtowns and residential areas. They could consist of tents, porta-potties, and mobile modules providing food and medical services. There’s plenty of money available to do this. Just in Los Angeles, in 2016 voters approved Measure HHH, allocating $1.2 billion in bonds to build 10,000 units to house the homeless. Since then, Los Angeles voters approved a quarter cent sales tax increase, also to help the homeless. Additional hundreds of millions are coming from the state to help the homeless. Every major city in California is spending tens of millions or more on programs for the homeless. But most of the money is being wasted. Why? Because there is a Homeless Industrial Complex that is getting filthy rich, wasting the money, while the homeless population swells. WHAT IS THE HOMELESS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX? Here’s how the process works: Developers accept public money to build these projects to house the homeless – either “bridge housing,” or “permanent supportive housing.” Cities and counties collect building fees and hire bureaucrats for oversight. The projects are then handed off to nonprofits with long term contracts to run them. That doesn’t sound so bad, right? The problem is the price tag. Developers don’t just build housing projects, they build ridiculously overpriced, overbuilt housing projects. Cities and counties don’t just collect building fees, they collect outrageously expensive building fees, at the same time as they create a massive bureaucracy. The nonprofits don’t just run these projects – the actual people staffing these shelters aren’t overpaid – they operate huge bureaucratic empires with overhead and executive salaries that do nothing for the homeless. An example of wasteful spending can be found in the homeless shelter being built in Venice Beach, where a permanent population of over 1,000 homeless have taken over virtually every public venue, including the beach. Because their tents are now protected by law as private space, they not only serve as housing, but as pop-up drug retailers and brothels. To get these folks off the streets and off the beach, a 154 bed shelter has been approved by the Los Angeles City Council. It will be a “wet” shelter, meaning druggies and drunkards will be able to come and go as they please. The estimated cost for this shelter so far is $8 million, which equates to over $50,000 per bed. Why doesn’t anyone ask why? These costs aren’t that bad if you consider the cost of new construction in exorbitant California. But this isn’t new construction, it’s “temporary” construction of very large tents on three acres of land. Eight million dollars, to put up some large tents and plumb for bathrooms and a kitchen. As a “wet” shelter, it will become a hotel for freeloading partiers as much as a refuge for the truly needy. Not only is it only capable of housing a small fraction of the 1,000+ homeless already in Venice, it will attract more homeless people to relocate to Venice. Finally, this property, owned by the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit District and located on some of the most precious real estate on earth, could have been sold to private investors to generate tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars. Why wasn’t that choice made? Why, for that matter, aren’t homeless shelters being built in Pacific Palisades, or Brentwood, or Beverly Hills, or the other tony enclaves of LA’s super rich? Because as with all boondoggles that destroy neighborhoods in the name of compassion, the Homeless Industrial Complex knows better than to defecate where they masticate. The Homeless Industrial Complex’s expensive maltreatment of Venice Beach in particular, and taxpayers in general, is an example of how “bridge housing” projects are co-opted and corrupted. But even more horrendous waste is exemplified by the efforts to construct “permanent supportive housing.” According to an NPR report from June 2018, “when voters passed Measure HHH, they were told that new ‘permanent supportive housing’ would cost about $140,000 a unit. But average per unit costs are now more than triple that. The PATH Ventures project in East Hollywood has an estimated per-unit cost of $440,000.” A privately funded development company, Flyaway Homes, has debuted in Los Angeles with the mission of rapidly providing housing for the homeless. Using retrofitted shipping containers, the company’s modular approach to apartment building construction is purported to streamline the approval process and cut costs. But the two projects they’ve got underway are too expensive to ever offer a solution to more than fraction of the homeless. Their 82nd Street Development will cost $4.5 million to house 32 “clients” in 16 two-bedroom, 480 square foot apartments. That’s $281,250 per two-bedroom apartment. The firm’s 820 W. Colden Ave. property will cost $3.6 million to house 32 clients in eight four-bedroom apartments. That’s $450,000 per apartment. These costs are utterly unsustainable. But the Homeless Industrial Complex has grown into a juggernaut, crushing the opposition. At community hearings across California, “homeless advocates,” who are often bused in from other areas expressly to shout down local opposition, demand action, because “no one deserves to live on a sidewalk.” Money is squandered, and the population of homeless people multiplies. This is not compassion in action, rather, it’s corruption in action. WAYS TO REIN IN THE HOMELESS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (1) Acknowledge there’s a problem. Agree that it’s no longer acceptable to throw money at the homeless epidemic without questioning all the current proposals and the underlying premises. Billions of dollars are being wasted. Admit it. (2) Recognize that a special interest, the Homeless Industrial Complex – comprised of developers, government bureaucrats, and activist nonprofits – has taken over the homeless agenda and turned it into a profit center. They are not going to solve the problem, they are going to milk it. Their PR firms will sell compliant media a feel-good story about someone who turned their life around, living in a fine new apartment. What they won’t tell you is that because of the $400,000 they charged to build that single apartment unit, dozens if not hundreds of people are still on the street with nothing. (3) Act at the municipal and state level to set a limit on the cost per shelter “bed.” This cost must represent a compromise between ideal facilities for homeless people, and what is affordable at a scale sufficient to solve the problem. There is no reason the capital costs for a shelter bed should be $50,000 each, but that’s exactly what’s proposed in Venice – $8 million for a semi-permanent “tent” with 154 beds. Similarly, there is no reason a basic apartment unit for the homeless should cost over $400,000, but in Los Angeles, by most accounts, that’s what they cost. This is outrageous. Durable tents and supportive facilities should be set up for a small fraction of that amount. Pick a number. Stick to it. Demand creative solutions. (4) Stop differentiating between “bridge housing” (basic shelter) and “permanent supportive housing.” Permanent supportive housing IS “bridge housing.” Amenities better than a durable, dry, sole occupancy tent and a porta-potty can belong exclusively in the realm of privately funded nonprofits and charities. Until there isn’t a single homeless person left on the street, not one penny of taxpayer money should be paying for anything beyond basic bridge housing. (5) Accept that homeless shelters will be more cost-effectively constructed and operated if they are in industrial, commercial (where appropriate), or rural areas, and not in downtown areas or residential neighborhoods. (6) Abandon decentralized solutions that involve seeding safe neighborhoods with mini-homeless shelters in converted residential homes. Estimates vary, but between 35 and 77 percent of homeless people suffer from substance abuse, and between 26 and 58 percent have mental illness, and by some accounts over half of them have a criminal record. It is not just too expensive, it is dangerous to mix a homeless population into family neighborhoods. (7) Go to court. Challenge the decision in Jones vs the City of Los Angeles, that ruled that law enforcement and city officials can no longer enforce the ban on sleeping on sidewalks anywhere within the Los Angeles city limits until a sufficient amount of permanent supportive housing could be built. (8) File a state ballot referendum to overturn Prop. 47, which downgraded drug and property crimes. Prop. 47 has led to what police derisively refer to as “catch and release,” because suspects are only issued citations with a court date, and let go. (9) Recognize that the rights of the homeless must be balanced with the rights of local residents, and that homeless accommodations should be safe but should never be better than the cheapest unit of commercial housing. 10) Confront the fact that a lot of homeless people are homeless by choice, not because they’ve ran out of options, and they DON’T WANT HELP. Act accordingly: Do we give these people control over our public spaces, our neighborhoods, our parks and beaches? And what of the others? The mentally ill, the substance abusers, the criminals? Do we give them control of over our public spaces? It is terribly difficult for proponents of rational policies to be heard in public hearings on the homeless. Professional activists, often hired by developers or well-heeled nonprofits, abetted by sincere homeless advocates who simply haven’t ran the numbers, will usually outnumber and shout down neighborhood “NIMBYs” who have come to raise objections. But the NIMBYs are right. We have a moral obligation to help the homeless. But we are not obligated to cede our downtowns, our tourist attractions, and our residential neighborhoods to homeless encampments. And as a society, we also have a moral obligation to protect the general population from rampant infectious diseases. What if Dr. Pinsky is right? What if there is a major infectious disease epidemic in Los Angeles this summer? Is that what it’s going to take before we clean up our streets and get the homeless into cost-effective, safe, supervised, sanitary encampments? The moral question of how to help the homeless cannot rest apart from financial reality. It is impossible to solve the homeless crisis under current law and according to current policies. Therefore a new approach must be taken. Before criticizing the suggestion that we spend a $5,000 per bed (or less) instead of $50,000 per bed (or more) to build bridge housing facilities, imagine what could be done with all the money we save. We might be able to help a lot of people get their lives back on track. Instead of feeding the insatiable excesses of the Homeless Industrial Complex, which helps a few but neglects so many. * * * Written by Edward Ring This message is approved by Beau Pollock for LA City Council 2022
Beau Pollock
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