Skype w mama
all that because I suggest you ask Donna yourself? Now it's Bush's fault; don't talk about shooting anyone; it would not have done any good and you know it; that kind of talk can just get you in hot water.
[7/13/10 7:52:48 PM] beau pollock: i drove to texas to show my protest you dont remember?
[7/13/10 7:52:52 PM] beau pollock: it didnt do anything
[7/13/10 7:53:00 PM] beau pollock: this place is full of complacent sheep
[7/13/10 7:53:12 PM] beau pollock: chris is an armchair protester just like all of us
[7/13/10 7:53:23 PM] beau pollock: we go to certain protests and we laugh
[7/13/10 7:53:28 PM] beau pollock: its all a big show
[7/13/10 7:53:37 PM] beau pollock: except the bad guys always win
[7/13/10 7:53:38 PM] beau pollock: always
[7/13/10 7:53:44 PM] beau pollock: obama is a tool
[7/13/10 7:53:48 PM] beau pollock: hes worse than bush
[7/13/10 7:54:20 PM] jo: of course I remember; but at least you didn't talk about shooting anyone; that is ridiculous; here we go again; your mood is swinging and it is not good. yesterday things were looking up; are they still?
[7/13/10 7:54:22 PM] beau pollock: i already started gathering signature for his impeachment
[7/13/10 7:54:45 PM] beau pollock: i am filing a lawsuit against him with the united nations for war crimes
[7/13/10 7:55:06 PM] beau pollock: hes guilty in iraq and afghanistan and he will be impeached for treason
[7/13/10 7:55:12 PM] beau pollock: he is done
[7/13/10 7:55:30 PM] beau pollock: no. you dont understand me mother
[7/13/10 7:55:33 PM] beau pollock: you never will
[7/13/10 7:55:39 PM] beau pollock: i am the next che guevara
[7/13/10 7:55:46 PM] beau pollock: im not some stupid artist
[7/13/10 7:55:59 PM] beau pollock: im here to liberate the people from a neo-fascist state
[7/13/10 7:56:10 PM] beau pollock: im just using photogrpahy to get notoriety and money
[7/13/10 7:56:17 PM] beau pollock: once i get those things i am taking over
[7/13/10 7:56:35 PM] beau pollock: by coup if necessary
[7/13/10 7:56:41 PM] beau pollock: we will impeach first
[7/13/10 7:56:54 PM] beau pollock: i have hundreds of people behind and beside me
[7/13/10 7:57:07 PM] beau pollock: we arent the 60's hippys
[7/13/10 7:57:19 PM] beau pollock: we are going to take over unless things actually change
[7/13/10 7:57:26 PM] beau pollock: theres thousands of us
[7/13/10 7:57:42 PM] beau pollock: its not a "mood swing"
[7/13/10 7:57:50 PM] beau pollock: im not "bi-polar"
[7/13/10 7:58:01 PM] beau pollock: im a normal person just like all the rest
[7/13/10 7:58:16 PM] beau pollock: i just have an agenda and most people dont fit into it
[7/13/10 7:58:29 PM] beau pollock: do u get it now?
[7/13/10 7:59:11 PM] beau pollock: did you see the news in toronto?
[7/13/10 7:59:44 PM] jo: You are too smart for your own good!! Just keep doing what you are doing; get your notoriety and money and then you can take it from there--no; I haven't watched the news; what's up?
[7/13/10 8:00:31 PM] beau pollock: it was the g-20 protest two weeks ago
[7/13/10 8:00:37 PM] beau pollock: those were my friends
[7/13/10 8:00:41 PM] beau pollock: they took over
[7/13/10 8:00:48 PM] beau pollock: we are united underground
[7/13/10 8:01:00 PM] beau pollock: nobody knows who anybody else by name
[7/13/10 8:01:04 PM] beau pollock: its all coded
[7/13/10 8:01:15 PM] beau pollock: its not some hippys on drugs
[7/13/10 8:01:32 PM] beau pollock: we are clean, sober, mostly vegetarian and taking over
[7/13/10 8:01:57 PM] beau pollock: i havent eaten meat in 38 days. i ate fish a few times. im never going back
[7/13/10 8:02:57 PM] beau pollock: i know this may sound "wacky" or all those other things people try to stereotype me as but i am clear headed and focused. ive been planning all this and helping release the fear of "big brother" for my whole generation
[7/13/10 8:03:03 PM] beau pollock: we dont fear anything
[7/13/10 8:03:05 PM] beau pollock: no govt
[7/13/10 8:03:12 PM] beau pollock: no religous dogmas
[7/13/10 8:03:18 PM] jo: I don't know why you are so defensive; did anyone say it was a hippy drug thing? Did I? I'm glad you are vegging it; it is more healthy and part of taking care of yourself. Only the healthy of mind and body will be able and strong enough to lead others.
[7/13/10 8:03:20 PM] beau pollock: no race
[7/13/10 8:03:40 PM] beau pollock: no sex
[7/13/10 8:03:48 PM] beau pollock: no
[7/13/10 8:03:58 PM] beau pollock: its just that the hippys are mocked
[7/13/10 8:04:03 PM] beau pollock: we are not like that
[7/13/10 8:04:08 PM] beau pollock: we are underground
[7/13/10 8:04:29 PM] beau pollock: we arent going to throw our parents in nursing homes set up for profit
[7/13/10 8:04:33 PM] beau pollock: thats wierd
[7/13/10 8:04:45 PM] jo: The hippies were mocked but they are the babyboomers of today whose children you are friends with.
[7/13/10 8:04:46 PM] beau pollock: and we are pissed that the generation did that before us
[7/13/10 8:05:06 PM] beau pollock: we are going to turn those sun citys into homes for homeless people
[7/13/10 8:05:26 PM] beau pollock: walmart killed the country
[7/13/10 8:05:46 PM] beau pollock: they strategically placed them to close as many mom and pops business as possible
[7/13/10 8:05:52 PM] beau pollock: we are going to fix that
[7/13/10 8:06:01 PM] beau pollock: walmart will burn for what theyve done
[7/13/10 8:06:10 PM] beau pollock: their employees are slaves
[7/13/10 8:06:26 PM] beau pollock: they sleep in their cars in the parking lots because they cant afford homes
[7/13/10 8:06:41 PM] beau pollock: the prison industrial complex is privately owned
[7/13/10 8:07:00 PM] beau pollock: we all know this and 50% of the people locked up are for strictly drug offenses
[7/13/10 8:07:08 PM] beau pollock: they need treatment for addiction
[7/13/10 8:07:13 PM] beau pollock: we are going to fix this