For better or worse
I won't say "I'm sorry for your loss" because I don't believe in saying that. I've had my father and sister pass and many other very amazing people very close to me. I'm not sorry for their loss. I'm definitely sorry they aren't here in their body any longer to enjoy goodtimes with us but I know their spirits live on and at the very least they live on in our hearts. You will feel her inside your heart and eventually you will not feel pain but instead you will breathe her in and take pride knowing she lives on in your heart and in spirit. You will remember little things about life she loves and you will take part in them knowing the real vicarious abilities of love and life. You will buy a certain chocolate bar or simple treat she loves knowing and thinking of her and it will not bring you pain but the opposite knowing that your bond lives on. Just as with your children and young loved ones. I feel for you on this day as it is not an easy time and never is but know the process is correct when we carry our elders back to the earth. I have known parents who lost children and surely that process was backwards. She may have been too young and there in lies the bitter truth but she knows and loves your little one and that is something to be cherished. Stay strong and take help from friends and loved ones and get rest. ❤️