Buy art
the problem with the artist in capitalist society is the capitalist has no use for a piece of art. the capitalist is only thinking of new and instantaneous ways of improving the surroundings of its stature and status in the ego ridden capitalist world. a newer car. a bigger tv. shinier shoes. fancier watch. the theoretical purchase of a piece of art by a capitalist automatically limits this purchase to his price range and class and therefore wants no art because he wants to appear in the class above rather than the current. that is why most people in upper class lifestyles buy art that is out of the price range of the middle class to ensure an elitist mindset is in place of the middle class capitalist. the lower class capitalist although having many artist friends and living in the world of current art production has no use of a purchased piece of art for the survivalist lifestyle and situation is not conducive to many possessions and does not even afford proper housing or transportation...thus the dilemma of art in a capitalist society perpetuates the demoralization and conformation of artists into graphics programmers or worker drones in the cogs of the machine in order to keep complacency and status quo...